Source code for ticclat.sacoreutils

"""SQLAlchemy core utility functionality

Functionality for faster bulk inserts without using the ORM.
More info:
import logging
import json
import scipy

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.sql import select
from sqlalchemy.orm import scoped_session, sessionmaker

from tqdm import tqdm

from ticclat.ticclat_schema import Wordform, Corpus, Document, \
    TextAttestation, Anahash, corpusId_x_documentId
from ticclat.utils import chunk_df, write_json_lines, read_json_lines, \
    get_temp_file, iterate_wf, chunk_json_lines, count_lines

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

DB_SESSION = scoped_session(sessionmaker())

[docs]def get_engine(user, password, dbname, dburl='mysql://{}:{}@localhost/{}?charset=utf8mb4'): """Returns an engine that can be used for fast bulk inserts """ engine = create_engine(dburl.format(user, password, dbname), echo=False) DB_SESSION.remove() DB_SESSION.configure(bind=engine, autoflush=False, expire_on_commit=False) return engine
[docs]def sql_insert(engine, table_object, to_insert): """Insert a list of objects into the database without using a session. This is a fast way of (mass) inserting objects. However, because no session is used, no relationships can be added automatically. So, use with care! This function is a simplified version of test_sqlalchemy_core from here: Inputs: engine: SQLAlchemy engine or session table_object: object representing a table in the database (i.e., one of the objects from ticclat_schema) to_insert (list of dicts): list containg dictionary representations of the objects (rows) to be inserted """ engine.execute(table_object.__table__.insert(), to_insert)
[docs]def sql_query_batches(engine, query, iterator, total=0, batch_size=10000): """ Execute `query` on items in `iterator` in batches. Take care: no session is used, so relationships can't be added automatically. Inputs: total: used for tqdm, since iterator will often be a generator, which has no predefined length. """ with tqdm(total=total, mininterval=2.0) as pbar: objects = [] for item in iterator: objects.append(item) if len(objects) == batch_size: engine.execute(query, objects) objects = [] pbar.update(batch_size) # Doing the insert with an empty list results in adding a row with all # fields to the default values, or an error, if fields don't have a default # value. Se, we have to check whether to_add is empty. if objects != []: engine.execute(query, objects) pbar.update(len(objects))
[docs]def sql_insert_batches(engine, table_object, iterator, total=0, batch_size=10000): """ Insert items in `iterator` in batches into database table. Take care: no session is used, so relationships can't be added automatically. Inputs: table_object: the ticclat_schema object corresponding to the database table. total: used for tqdm, since iterator will often be a generator, which has no predefined length. """ with tqdm(total=total, mininterval=2.0) as pbar: to_add = [] for item in iterator: to_add.append(item) if len(to_add) == batch_size: sql_insert(engine, table_object, to_add) to_add = [] pbar.update(batch_size) # Doing the insert with an empty list results in adding a row with all # fields to the default values, or an error, if fields don't have a default # value. Se, we have to check whether to_add is empty. if to_add != []: sql_insert(engine, table_object, to_add) pbar.update(len(to_add))
[docs]def bulk_add_wordforms_core(engine, iterator, **kwargs): """ Insert wordforms in `iterator` in batches into wordforms database table. Convenience wrapper around `sql_insert_batches` for wordforms. Take care: no session is used, so relationships can't be added automatically. """ sql_insert_batches(engine, Wordform, iterator, **kwargs)
[docs]def bulk_add_textattestations_core(engine, iterator, **kwargs): """ Insert text attestations in `iterator` in batches into text_attestations database table. Convenience wrapper around `sql_insert_batches` for text attestations. Take care: no session is used, so relationships can't be added automatically. """ sql_insert_batches(engine, TextAttestation, iterator, **kwargs)
[docs]def bulk_add_anahashes_core(engine, iterator, **kwargs): """ Insert anahashes in `iterator` in batches into anahashes database table. Convenience wrapper around `sql_insert_batches` for anagram hashes. Take care: no session is used, so relationships can't be added automatically. """ sql_insert_batches(engine, Anahash, iterator, **kwargs)
[docs]def get_tas(corpus, doc_ids, wf_mapping, word_from_tdmatrix_id): """ Get term attestation from wordform frequency matrix. Term attestation records the occurrence and frequency of a word in a given document. Inputs: corpus: the dense corpus term-document matrix, like from `tokenize.terms_documents_matrix_ticcl_frequency` doc_ids: list of indices of documents in the term-document matrix wf_mapping: dictionary mapping wordforms (key) to database wordform_id word_from_tdmatrix_id: mapping of term-document matrix column index (key) to wordforms (value) """ corpus_coo = scipy.sparse.coo_matrix(corpus) for tdmatrix_doc_ix, tdmatrix_word_ix, tdmatrix_value in zip(corpus_coo.row, corpus_coo.col, word = word_from_tdmatrix_id[tdmatrix_word_ix] freq = tdmatrix_value yield {'wordform_id': wf_mapping[word], 'document_id': doc_ids[tdmatrix_doc_ix], 'frequency': int(freq)}
[docs]def add_corpus_core(session, corpus_matrix, vectorizer, corpus_name, document_metadata=pd.DataFrame(), batch_size=50000): """ Add a corpus to the database. A corpus is a collection of documents, which is a collection of words. This function adds all words as wordforms to the database, records their "attestation" (the fact that they occur in a certain document and with what frequency), adds the documents they belong to, adds the corpus and adds the corpus ID to the documents. Inputs: session: SQLAlchemy session (e.g. from `dbutils.get_session`) corpus_matrix: the dense corpus term-document matrix, like from `tokenize.terms_documents_matrix_ticcl_frequency` vectorizer: the terms in the term-document matrix, as given by `tokenize.terms_documents_matrix_ticcl_frequency` corpus_name: the name of the corpus in the database document_metadata: see `ticclat_schema.Document` for all the possible metadata. Make sure the index of this dataframe matches with the document identifiers in the term- document matrix, which can be easily achieved by resetting the index for a Pandas dataframe. batch_size: batch handling of wordforms to avoid memory issues. """ with get_temp_file() as wf_file: write_json_lines(wf_file, iterate_wf(vectorizer.vocabulary_)) # Prepare the documents to be added to the database'Creating document data') corpus_csr = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(corpus_matrix) word_counts = corpus_csr.sum(axis=1) # sum the rows wc_list = np.array(word_counts).flatten().tolist() document_metadata['word_count'] = wc_list # Determine which wordforms in the vocabulary need to be added to the # database'Determine which wordforms need to be added') with get_temp_file() as wf_to_add_file: with tqdm(total=count_lines(wf_file)) as pbar: for chunk in chunk_json_lines(wf_file, batch_size=batch_size): # Find out which wordwordforms are not yet in the database wordforms = {wf['wordform'] for wf in chunk} select_statement = select([Wordform]).where(Wordform.wordform.in_(wordforms)) result = session.execute(select_statement).fetchall() # wf: (id, wordform, anahash_id, wordform_lowercase) existing_wfs = {wf[1] for wf in result} for wordform in wordforms.difference(existing_wfs): wf_to_add_file.write(json.dumps({'wordform': wordform, 'wordform_lowercase': wordform.lower()})) wf_to_add_file.write('\n') pbar.update(batch_size) # Create the corpus (in a session) and get the ID'Creating the corpus') corpus = Corpus(name=corpus_name) session.add(corpus) # add the documents using ORM, because we need to link them to the # corpus'Adding the documents') for doc in document_metadata.to_dict(orient='records'): document_obj = Document(**doc) document_obj.document_corpora.append(corpus) session.flush() corpus_id = corpus.corpus_id # Insert the wordforms that need to be added using SQLAlchemy core (much # faster than using the ORM)'Adding the wordforms') bulk_add_wordforms_core(session, read_json_lines(wf_to_add_file))'Prepare adding the text attestations') # make a mapping from df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(vectorizer.vocabulary_, orient='index') df = df.reset_index()'\tGetting the wordform ids') wf_mapping = {} for chunk in chunk_df(df, batch_size=batch_size): to_select = list(chunk['index']) select_statement = select([Wordform]).where(Wordform.wordform.in_(to_select)) result = session.execute(select_statement).fetchall() for wordform in result: # wordform: (id, wordform, anahash_id, wordform_lowercase) wf_mapping[wordform[1]] = wordform[0]'\tGetting the document ids') # get doc_ids select_statement = select([corpusId_x_documentId.join(Corpus).join(Document)]) \ .where(Corpus.corpus_id == corpus_id).order_by(Document.document_id) result = session.execute(select_statement).fetchall() # row: (corpus_id, document_id, ...) doc_ids = [row[1] for row in result]'\tReversing the mapping') # reverse mapping from wordform to id in the terms/document matrix word_from_tdmatrix_id = dict(zip(vectorizer.vocabulary_.values(), vectorizer.vocabulary_.keys()))'\tGetting the text attestations') with get_temp_file() as ta_file: write_json_lines(ta_file, get_tas(corpus_matrix, doc_ids, wf_mapping, word_from_tdmatrix_id))'Adding the text attestations') total = count_lines(ta_file) bulk_add_textattestations_core(session, read_json_lines(ta_file), total=total, batch_size=batch_size)